Golden foil paper and Silvery foil paper
Huang Heyu Golden Foil Paper Store at No. 200, Hsichang St. was set up in 1880. According to the owner Miss Huang Manzu, the major traditional materials of these paper products include bamboo, bamboo paper, leather paper and tinfoil. The older generation is convinced that only burning golden and silvery foil paper to ashes is reverent enough to communicate with gods and have them hear the prayer. the present customers are mostly old ones and demand much of the quality. This century-old store still upholds the principle of manufacturing in traditional ways, using genuine material and solid substance and honesty to children and aged people.
The Incense and Candle Stores
Old Bright Jade Incense Store at No. 153 & No. 155,
Section Ⅱ, Guiyang St. was founded in
1897, which is another century-old incense
store in addtion to Shihyingyu Incense
Store in Lukang, Zhanghua. to commemorate
the hardships of ancestors, the present
incense packet sold at the store still
carries photos of the founder, Mr. Huang
Tsan. The owner says that incense can
be categorized into coarse incense and
agalwood. The material of the former is
clay and the quality is poorer ; the latter
is manufactured by Chinese medicine mingled
with sandalwood and exudes extreme fragrance.
All kinds of incense products at Old Bright
Jade are made by several dozens of Chinese
medicine and are not harmful to the human
body when burned.